Doctors and Therapists are Becoming the Only People Who Can Legally Administer Plant Medicines and Psychedelics. A Disaster is Brewing.

Doctors and Therapists are Becoming the Only People Who Can Legally Administer Plant Medicines and Psychedelics. A Disaster is Brewing.

If we only allow people indoctrinated in the Western medical system the legal right to administer psychedelics, and we diminish the knowledge and experience of shamanic facilitators, we are not creating safety for any of us. This is a warning and a call to action.

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The Blessings and Challenges of Plant Medicine and Psychedelic Legalization

The Blessings and Challenges of Plant Medicine and Psychedelic Legalization

People of all ages, ethnicities, and walks of life are feeling the call to alternate methods of healing, and an altered state of consciousness seems to be tops on the list of must-try fringe experiences these days. It turns out we need to change our perspective when we are feeling stagnant, ill, confused, depressed, or anxious, and nothing stirs the pot more than a wild trip through the corners of our psyches and the cosmic universe. Yet we must not let the white elite profit off of indigenous medicines and teachings once more. Let’s make sure we get it right this time.

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